Monday, February 14, 2022

How Videos: More on How Video on Tutorial: How to Make a Video in 10 Steps from Sideshow is based on Proper Presentations of Slideshows. It was highly appreciated video for its uses and benefits, and one of the best videos by R&D Team of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics

It is a How Video on Tutorial: How to Make a Video in 10 Steps from Sideshow is based on Proper Presentations of Slideshows. It was highly appreciated video for its uses and benefits, and one of the best videos by R&D Team of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics. 

The Topics in it are also linked to Neogenesis Book by Dr. A. James Ferrel at Life Dynamix - Wings for All, while initially, the Video was made for Factoid (Knoji) Expert's Article and accompanied more than 20 Books Published on EK Translational Phases.

It also takes up Some Slides and with Artisan Education Style with Flipping Page, Group of Pages and Book with Magazine Approach, which is also simplified STEM Education of Slideshows and Flip Books.

The STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and thus S (Science), T (Technology), E (Engineering) and M (Math) as STEM Education.

It also contains Art and Music and thus STEM ED with Art and Music as STEAM Education as well. It is also presented as Philosophy, Cymatics (Self) and Science (Ology), and thus Philselfology.

Thus, it is collectively Artisan Education as STEM Education with Cymatics, where Cymatics deals with how the Flipping Pages are arranged, presented and even published.

In the Digital Contents, the Ads can also be directly added to the Books, where Flip Books are also Ideal Platforms.

The Flip Slideshows and Books as presented are also linked to EK Translational Phases even when Elements and Parts of Readymade and Already Built.

For example, the Pages, Flipping and Music with Artistic Approach also represents the EK Translational Phases as Flipping Phases as well, where the Slide or Page need to be in Good Translational Phase with Time Durations to make Greater Sense and Feeling of Seen, Read and Heard.

It is also published with Simplified Creation of Gmail, Blogger, Blog Domain, Blog Post Title, Blog Post, Keywords and Blogging in general with Creation of Slideshow, Flip Book or Magazine, YouTube Video and Other Presentations as also a Part of Artisan, STEM Education and Cymatics with Learning and Earning for with EK Vaku (Ikshvaku) Conjectures as well.

One can read more about this How Video with its Description with Associated Playlists here:

Quick References: [1] Tutorial: How to Make a Flip Video in 10 Steps with Artisan, STEM Edu, Cymatics, Music & Slideshows

Relevant Research Videos with Playlists:

Thanks for your precious time!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

How Videos: Types of Yoga

The kinds of Yoga depend on the Schools of Philosophy or Psychology in association with Indian Religions and faiths and thus it has several kinds. These are interlinked as for say Asana, Concentration, Meditation, and other important factors. We can view some the most important ones in the video below:

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How Videos: Yoga Breathing for Beginners - Yoga Helps in Body, Mind Coordination, and Thought Control for Better Health

The breath and yoga has something in common. When we control and learn to balance our breathe, we can also control our thoughts. However, the thought control is the last step, and the intila steps help us to have sound mind in sound body as this how to video shows:

Yes, the Yoga Helps in Body, Mind Coordination, and Thought Control for Better Health.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

How Videos: Computer Care: Prevent Crashes With Cache Cleaning & Defragmenting-Part 1

The computer crash is very common nowadays. How to save computer before it crashes is a big deal that one cannot ignore. It is so difficult to manage the data that has been lost in such computer or system crashes. We can save lots of time just by taking care of it in advance. This video elaborates how we can prevent and thus save our computer:

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Monday, July 11, 2011

How Videos: How to Write a Song with Structure

How to write a song is easy. There is an important point about structure of any song. One can make changes in style or anything one likes, but the main structure cannot be changed when we want to sing it professionally. The full credits are given just below the video as Athena Reich share about writing a song with structure in detail in the following video:

Credits: How to Write a Song : Songwriting: Structure
Expert: Athena Reich
Bio: Athena Reich is a professional musician, actress, artist, singer, songwriter and coach for all of the above.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

How Videos: How to Write a Song from How I Write a Song

We all can sing, even if we cannot write we can sing. If we can sing we can also write it. Someone can help us writing what we sing. So, we can write a song. If one wants to write a song, this wonderful video explains how we can write a song:

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Friday, July 8, 2011

How Videos: 4 Ways to Make Your PC Go 80% Faster

This YouTube Video claims that there are 4 Ways to Make Your PC Go 80% Faster. It depends on individual performance of computers, and thus it can vary though, the video contributor says. The most important point in how videos is that if we learn a Tip a Day, We can make a difference Everyday. This video can be of great help:

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